Eco-Champs LMS





"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children"

The Problem

With forests equivalent to 48 football fields being cut down every minute across the world today and more plastic than fish expected in the oceans by 2050 because of human activities, we are already inhabiting a dying planet.
Our children aren’t equipped with the right knowledge or skill to fight this alarming present and future.
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The Programme

Eco-Champs is an environment sensitisation program to empower students, and become proactive practitioners of eco-friendly lifestyle through an immersive and hands-on experience spanned across 3-5 months. 
The program also builds 21st-century life skills including compassion, teamwork, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in the children to enable change in their communities.
  • Exclusively for Students of Classes 3-9
  • Currently virtual program
  • Free of cost
  • Waste management
  • Composting
  • Kitchen gardening
  • Water conservation
  • Climate change
  • Biodiversity & wildlife
  • Plastic upcycling
  • Ethical fashion
  • Eco Friendly Toys
  • and lot more
  • Interactive and gamified sessions with focus on hands on activities
  • Small batches for focussed mentoring
  • Sessions and interventions are customised as per school’s needs
  • Community project to bring change in the students’ local community 
  • Eco-Journalling to inculcate self reflection and fun learning outside sessions
  • Schools play a pivotal role in instilling social responsibility in the future generation
  • Bhumi customises the program to meet the needs of your school
  • Bhumi assigns trained volunteers as well as resources to mentor students
  • If you’re a school, fill up the “School Sign up” form. If you’re a student/parent/volunteer, fill up the “Refer a School” form and we will connect with the school.
  • Once filled, a Bhumi team member will connect with the School within a week
  • This is followed by a need analysis discussion to help us know how to best curate the program for the School.
  • Bhumi conducts an Induction of the customised program with Principal & teachers
  • An MoU is signed between both parties and a program schedule is created
  • The Program starts

students mentored from 106 schools across India


volunteers engaged in mentoring students


schools supported with eco-friendly infrastructure setup

Here’s what our Eco-Champs community have to say about their journey

“During our interactive and informative sessions carefully planned by the Eco-Champs team we learnt many new ideas like constructing eco-bricks, DIY aerators, bird feeders, dog houses, etc. The assignments and DIY activities help us think, do and make us believe that “it only seems impossible until it is done”. 

– Vasuh Gupta, Student, G.D.Goenka Public School, Delhi

Bhumi has created an extensive program for students to create awareness on the environmental hazards and to re-instill the native techniques. Our students have

enjoyed learning about environmental issues and they have become eco-friendly in their daily life.

– S Maya,  Principal, Sri Chaitanya Techno School, Jafferkhanpet, Chennai

As far as my memory goes, I have always been contributing in bits & pieces towards the environment in my own small ways. Being part of Eco Champs has helped me broaden my vision towards my fight against climate change. It is a program wherein we equip young students with the right education at an early stage so that they can make better informed decisions for tomorrow.

– Raghav, Volunteer leader, Delhi

Problem – “The major problem is that the waste is not segregated in my locality. If this issue is not addressed at the earliest, the waste can cause a lot of damage to the environment.” 


SolutionI have designed a few posters and made a brochure to create awareness on waste segregation.. My friends and I met at my house to put up posters in my locality. We indirectly interacted with the people of the locality about the topic of waste segregation by putting up posters. 


Then we collected some old buckets and painted them over with blue, green and yellow to serve the purpose of segregation bins for wet, dry and infectious waste in the society. Moreover, my parents supported me financially by helping me get the essential supplies. The mentors of Bhumi guided me on how I can reach out to more and more people using social media hence I’ve created an Instagram handle @climatechange_activist and post regularly about simple tips & tricks to be eco conscious. I also motivate them by giving examples of our work and I have also given them an open invitation to join us if they are willing to.

I’m next planning to send a letter to the municipality to send different garbage trucks to collect the segregated waste. Lastly, I will be asking a few questions to the garbage collector, to verify if the waste is segregated and recycled properly in the final stages. 


“The problem I tried to and am trying to solve is the issue of people not actually knowing about climate change. Through my impact project, I am trying to raise awareness to underprivileged people who are majorly unaware about climate change, as well as to those who might be aware about climate change but not necessarily about how it is going to impact them, its causes and possible ways in which they can try to help reduce climate change.



I began by researching relevant sources and starting a blog to bust myths about climate

I then reached out to NGOs which work with children from underprivileged backgrounds and conducted workshops for Parikrama and Vidya.

I’ve also initiated a series of workshops called The Unknown Series along with my friends to engage the general public in conversations about climate change and how we can contribute towards its slowing down. I also plan to initiate climate change discussions in my School once it reopens.

Our Other Initiatives

Climate Action Camp

Climate Action Camp Season 2 is one of the first Climate Change awareness camps in the country for young leaders (scheduled for November 2021)

How Eco-Cool is Your School Contest

How Eco-Cool is Your School Contest Season 2 is an inter-school contest to encourage schools to showcase their green campus and practices along with future plans. (scheduled to launch in December 2021)

Eco-Fest Season 4

Eco-Fest Season 4 is an eco friendly summer camp inviting children to participate in events & contests (scheduled for January 2022)